Let’s face it, there really are no excuses left to make when it comes to working out and staying fit. As much as we’d like to just lounge around during our free time, we know that being fit is of the utmost importance. To take care of our bodies is to make sure that we’re always fit to work. So in a way, you can say that it really pays to get off your behind!
And while you might be one of those who feel that exercising is just no fun, let us convince you otherwise. Below is a list of fitness programs available in Bahrain that are so fun, you just might sign up for all of ’em!
5 Exciting Fitness Programs to Try in Bahrain
Kangoo Jumps
Starting with the one we think is the most exciting, Kangoo Jumps! Kangoo Jumps Fitness Programs are brought to you by the leading brand for rebound shoes, Kangoo Jumps. If you’re not familiar with rebound shoes, they’re these funny looking contraptions that are supposed to make fitness activities such as running, aerobics, or dancing more fun and safe. Learn more about the brand and the kind of programs they offer here.

Levitation Classes
Sounds cool, right? One of the most popular alternative fitness programs nowadays is called Aerial Yoga. Namaste is an internationally known Yoga school in Bahrain that provides this spine-pulling program in the form of levitation classes. This type of yoga is practiced to relieve and cure back and neck pain using traction, which happens as you hold guided poses while suspended on swings. Just thinking about that sends good feelings down your spine. Learn more about Namaste and the classes they offer here.

Aqua Aerobics
If aerial yoga doesn’t really appeal to you, perhaps aqua aerobics will. Fitness First Bahrain offers this water-based fitness program, which is a type of resistance training that is easy on the body because of the buoyant force inherent in water. It is open to people of all ages and ideal for individuals undergoing physical therapy, as well as pregnant women. It’s a refreshing way to keep healthy, especially during the sticky summer months. Learn more about the program and how you can get a free trial class here.
If you want something a little more intense, we recommend taking dance classes. Below are a couple programs we think are good for the heart, both literally and metaphorically.

Dance Your Way to Health
Swing Dancing
Dancing isn’t just for the talented. It’s definitely something you can learn and do as a fun alternative to the usual jumping jacks. The Shakedown Club is a dance studio in Manama that keeps the 30’s alive by offering swing dance classes to anyone who wants to learn. By learning Swing, you improve balance and body coordination, as well as improve cardio and burn tons of calories. It’s an exciting creative activity that doubles as an enlivening workout — what’s not to love about that? Learn more about the classes and other events you can be a part of by sending a message here.

There’s Tai chi, there’s Muay Thai, and there’s Capoeira. Pronounced as kapoo-eh-ra or kapoo-ey-ra in Portugese, Capoeira is a musical martial art that originates from Brazil. It combines the discipline of fighting with the art of dancing. This helps you work on various muscle groups, promoting strength, flexibility, rhythm, and more. Associação Lagoa Azul Capoeira Bahrain offers classes to all ages and kids seem to love them! It’s a fun alternative to mainstream martial arts like Taekwondo. Learn more about how you can join a class by sending a message here.

You see, it doesn’t always have to be push ups and lunges. Keeping a healthy lifestyle just means you’re always active and moving, and there are many ways you can do so without it feeling like a drag — you just have to find the right kind of activity to commit to! What’s more, you should also take time to visit these sports destinations in Bahrain.