List of Certified Filipino Voters in Bahrain for 2025 National Elections

Do you know if you have registered and are certified to vote in the 2025 Philippine national elections? COMELEC has released the official list of Filipino voters eligible to cast their vote in the upcoming Halalan 2025.

So if you are a Filipino overseas worker in Bahrain who has registered before, you will be able to see your name from this official list. You can download the PDF list from the link below – this comes from the official website of our embassy.

Also Read: How to Vote in Bahrain for Philippine Elections 2022

UPDATE: Currently, the Philippine Embassy in Bahrain has not yet posted the certified list of absentee voters (overseas voters), so please stay tuned. As per PH law, COMELEC will release the list of registered voters at least 120 days before the national election dates. Once COMELEC releases the list of names, they will forward it to the Philippine embassies,  consulates, and foreign service establishments. We will keep you posted once this update is released. You can now see if your name is on the list as the COMELEC office has released the official names of Pinoys who can vote this election season.

list of registered filipino voters in bahrain

Pinoys in Bahrain who are Registered and Eligible to Vote in the Philippine Elections

Filipinos in the Kingdom of Bahrain who registered in Manama and are qualified to vote for the 2025 National Elections may check their names by using the links.

The list contains the sequence number, Voter’s Name, and Registration Date and the files will be separated according to Land-based and Seafarers.

Only those included in this list are allowed to vote. The Phil. embassy Manama has posted the list from their website.

Click the Link to Download the List:

How to Search for your name in the list of overseas voters in Bahrain?

In case you are wondering how you can search for your name, you simply have to choose the PDF file from the list uploaded by the Phil Embassy in Manama, Bahrain. They have compiled it according to alphabetical order using the last names of the registered voters.

All you have to do is open the file based on your Last Name, and then scroll to your name to find if it is listed.

advisory update overseas list of voters in bahrain filipinos

What does it mean if my name is included in the list of Overseas Voters?

It means that you have successfully registered for overseas voting and you can participate in the upcoming elections as overseas absentee voters.

What if my name is not on the list of registered voters?

It means that you are unable to vote in the upcoming 2025 Philippine elections. You may vote in the succeeding elections after this.

Steps to Vote at PH Embassy Bahrain

The Philippine Embassy has shared the voting procedures when casting your vote at the office. Please be guided on this infographic below:

Step 1: Proceed to the designated area (Tent 1) for verification of your name. The Embassy personnel will inform you of your precinct and queueing number.

Last names: AALA to LA TORRE, SBEI 1 (Sentro Rizal, Ground Floor)
Last Names: LACAP to ZURETA, SBEI 2 (Conference Room, 1st Floor)

Step 2: If there are no voters in the polling precincts, the Embassy personnel will advise you to proceed to your respective precincts. If the seats for voters inside the polling precincts are already filled, the voter will be advised to go to the designated waiting areas (Tents 1 and 2).

Step 3: Upon arrival at your precinct, approach the member of the SBEI and present your ID and the queueing number given. The member of the SBEI will request you to affix your signature to the List of Overseas Voters with Voting Records. You will receive your official ballot signed by the SBEI Chairperson inside the ballot secrecy folder.

Step 4: Leave your phone/gadgets in the deposit box on the table of the SBEI.
Proceed to your assigned seat and accomplish your ballot. Follow the instructions carefully on how to shade the ballot and how many candidates you can select for the specific position you are going to vote for.

Step 5: After completing your ballot, proceed to the Vote Counting Machine (VCM) to cast your vote. A member of the SBEI will assist you.

Step 6: Wait for the machine to generate and print the Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT). This will show you the list of candidates you voted for. Fold it and place it inside the VVPAT receptacle.

Step 7: Congratulations! You have successfully voted. You may now leave the polling precinct.

Please be reminded that loitering around the Embassy premises after voting will be strictly prohibited.

PH Embassy Reminders, Rules, and Prohibitions during Election

The Philippine Embassy in Bahrain has posted updates to the Filipino Community about the election process during the voting period. They share reminders, rules to follow, as well as prohibitions to be observed during this month-long event. Please check them out below:


  • Bring a valid Identification Card (ID), Passport, voters ID, UMID, SSS ID, PHL Driver’s License, Bahrain CPR
  • Proper Ballot Shading – fully shade the circle in front of the name of the candidate you wish to vote for.
  • Wrong Ballot Shading – Avoid unnecessary markings on your ballots.
  • Do note Overvote – If more than the allowed number of seats for the position is voted, none of the votes for the position will be counted.
  • An undervote is ok – If less than the allowed number of seats for the position is voted (all votes for the voted candidates will be counted). The VVPAT / Receipt will indicate ‘undervote’ for the unfilled slot.


  • Voters shall not bring mobile phones or cameras inside the voting precinct. All mobile devices and cameras shall be deposited to the SBEI prior to ballot issuance.
  • Voters shall not be accompanied by anybody in accomplishing the ballot. Except for illiterate and physically-challenged.
  • Voters shall not speak to anyone while accomplishing the ballot.
  • Voters shall not intentionally tear, deface, or erase any printing on the ballot or put any distinguishing marks thereon.
  • Voters shall not accomplish the ballot without using the ballot secrecy folder.
  • Voters shall not show the contents of his/her ballot to any person.
  • Voters shall not bring the ballot outside the designated voting area.

Rules to be Observed

  • No Mask, No Entry – Health protocols shall prevail during the entire duration of the election period.
  • No political activities are allowed in the Embassy – No loitering inside the embassy premises. Only applicants with transactions are allowed inside the Embassy premises.
  • Voters shall vote in order of arrival at the polling place.
  • No crowding of voters and disorderly behavior.
    No persona carrying firearms or deadly weapons shall enter the polling place.
  • No watchers shall enter the designated voting area for the voters and the area reserved for the SBEI, nor mingle and talk with voters.

If you may have inquiries or need further assistance with your questions about voting in the Kingdom, you can contact the PH Embassy Bahrain office. Below are the details:

Contact Information

Embassy of the Philippines in Bahrain
Address: Building 2186, Road 2755, Block 327, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain
Telephone: +973 17721234 (4 Lines)
Office of the Ambassador : +973 17820507
Fax Number : +973 17720827
Duty Officer (24/7) : +973 39953235
Facebook Page:
Office Hours: The working hours of the Embassy’s consular section are from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day, from  Sundays to Thursdays. ATN Services are provided on a 24/7 basis, even on weekends and legal and religious holidays.

Google Map Location

In case you are wondering where the Philippine Embassy in Manama is located, below is a map guide for you:

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